
GHSAA Membership Levels

There shall be five classes of membership within the Germantown High School Alumni Association namely, Cub Members," "Bear Members," "Golden Bear Members," "Platinum Bear Members" and "Associate Members."

Cub Members: Fee $10.00
Cub Memberships shall be conferred upon all persons who have been graduates of Germantown High School for the first four (4) years. Cub members shall have no voting rights, and are not eligible to hold office or serve on the Board of Directors. Fees are renewed annually

Bear Members: Fee $50.00
Bear Memberships shall be conferred upon all persons who have been graduates of Germantown High School. Bear members shall have all voting rights, shall be eligible to serve on committees and hold office in or serve on the Board of Directors of the GHSAA. Fees are renewed annually

Golden Bear Members: Fee $125.00
Golden Bear Membership shall be conferred upon all persons who have been graduates of Germantown High School. Golden Bear members shall have all voting rights, shall be eligible to serve on committees, hold office in or serve on the Board of Directors of the GHSAA. Fees are renewed every three (3) years

Platinum Bear Members: Fee $1,000.00
Platinum Bear Membership, a lifetime membership shall be conferred upon all persons who have been graduates of Germantown High School. Platinum Bear members shall have all voting rights, shall be eligible to serve on committees, hold office in or serve on the Board of Directors of the GHSAA. Platinum Bear Members will receive the honorary “G” Pin and certificate with other member’s discounts.

Associate Members: Fee $50.00
Associate Members are persons who did not graduate from Germantown but desire to become financial member of the GHSAA. Associate Members may not serve on the GHSAA Board of Directors, but shall have all voting rights and shall be eligible to serve on committees. Fees are renewed annually.